Tuesday 31 January 2012

Arriving at the halls

Right, as I spoke about earlier. I have just arrived at the halls for South Shields College, well not exactly to start with. The sat nav I borrowed from my mum (thanks mum) to get there without getting totally and utterly lost decided to take me round to the back of the halls onto the street behind them. This confused me slightly I could see the halls, but I could not get to the halls, then I clicked and realized what had happened and turned the sat nav off, then followed my nose out the street and round and went down 1 block as such and turned right. This brought the college to my right hand side, and found the side road down to the halls car park. So first task completed.

I found a parking space after avoiding lots of people moving boxes and suitcases around, I decided to leave all my bags and stuff behind and just take my paperwork. I headed over to the security office, and joined the queue and as I stood waiting to be seen to I watched people come and go. I thought I had brought a lot of stuff, as people passed I saw all sorts of items TVs, mini fridges, scanners, printers all sorts. There was a lot of parents kicking about to, they had come to see there kids off and to see where they would be living or the more logical thinking is they where making sure they are getting rid of the kids with no chance of them coming back haha. Anyway I was finally seen to and given my room number and a key card to get in and told to fill stuff out and sign my life away.

So I headed over to my room, I got a ground floor room which is a bonus when you gotta lug bags in, though I decided to go for a look before moving anything anywhere. I got in and was happy with the room with it still sinking in that I had just arrived, I sat at my desk with my paperwork and looked around, it was bigger than I had expected so I was happy enough. I filled out everything and went back over to finish off the paperwork which was quickly sorted and I was put onto the college system and given an ID card with a lovely mug shot on it and that was it really. Then I started the many trips back and forth to get my stuff from my car into my room. I am not looking forward to packing up to go back home before I go to sea.

That's it now really from then on I have been living in the halls, so a good 5 months now due to go to sea in a few months which is the next big thing. As for this blog, now that I have finished the story about how I got here, I will probably add stories from before, that I didn't put in through this, along with what's going on here etc. I will try and do a 1st day at college post to will see how it goes.


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